Monday 2 December 2013

The Noise We Make: A poem by Abigail Grace Higgins

Sonification... the auditory equivalent to scientific visualization. It began with a spoken word.
 Inspiration... our imprint surrendered.
 Expiration... a Triune breath blew forward, erupting expressions interpreted by the smallest component of an element known to our kind, cradled within its core...
A wave of sound. 
His spoken word crashed against the universe unbound.
 Frequencies were set in motion, yielding a jubilant explosion, His reverberations – a persistent reflection, a melodic notion. The hum of his glory resounds in our devotion. He has interwoven His children in acoustic complexities – everyday beings personified as His music in motion. Vibrations... Rhythms... Crescendos... 
Projecting the tone of His abiding love. 
This is the noise we make.